Unit 3, No. 15, the beginning of Ahmad Abad Street, Mashhad, Iran

Studying in Ilam

Studying in Ilam


Studying in Ilam, which is the capital of Ilam province, from its geographical location to the various facilities and centers of the city, will give you pleasant moments. The city of Ilam is located in a fence of mountains and forest heights and has a mild mountain and spring climate.

Studying in Ilamilam

Ilam city with an area of ​​212,804.67 hectares including 10.62% of the area of ​​the province between 33 degrees 21 minutes and 30 seconds to 33 degrees and 51 minutes and 48 seconds north latitude and 45 degrees and 41 minutes and 07 seconds to 46 degrees and 51 minutes and 19 seconds of eastern longitude is located in the northwest of the province and is bordered by the cities of Ivan, Sirvan, Cherdavel, Dareh Shahr, Mehran and Iraq. It leads from the north to the Shanchir mountains, from the east to the Shalem mountains, from the west to the Qalagiran mountain, and finally to the Kabirkoh mountain range in the south.

The city of Ilam is located in a fence of mountains and forest heights, which has a mild mountain climate with an average annual rainfall of 5.619 mm and an average absolute temperature ranging from -13.6 to 2.41 degrees Celsius.

The statistics of study stations show that January (Dec-Bahman) is the coldest month and July (July-August) is the hottest month of the year. The temperature of the stations increases from April to July and then gradually decreases.

Studying in Ilam


Ilam Airport It is one of the airports where only domestic flights are conducted. The province and city of Ilam do not have railways and train stations, and it is not possible to travel to this city by train. Although you can travel to Khuzestan province by train and then come to Ilam from there. Traveling to Ilam by private car can be done in different ways. The route from Kermanshah to Ilam is the best route to travel to Ilam from the eastern and northeastern cities, which consists of two Ilam routes.

Tourist Attractions

Shrines and religious places

There is no imamzadeh in the city of Ilam itself, but there are other places of pilgrimage in this city. They are:

  • vali Mosque This mosque is one of the historical mosques in the city of Ilam, which dates back to the Qajar period.
  • Tomb of the Unknown Martyrs. The Tomb of the Unknown Martyrs in Behesht Rezai of Ilam city is the place of pilgrimage for caravans of Noor pilgrims every year
  • saheb zaman mosque and seid – mousavi takieh Sahib Zaman Mosque is one of the holy places of Ilam which attracts a lot of people in different days, also Seyyed Mousavi’s Takiye is one of the old places of Ilam which attracts a lot of people in different days especially Muharram and Safar days. he does.
  • Mosala Ilam This mosque is one of the big pilgrimage buildings in Ilam city, it is built in the shape of Al-Aqsa Mosque.


The city of Ilam has four museums:

  • Museum of Natural History
  • Museum of Anthropology
  • Agricultural History Museum
  • shohada Museum

Historical areas

The door of one of the rooms in Vali Castle
  • Governor’s Castle This castle is located on Pasdaran street in the center of Ilam city and it dates back to the Khanin of Ilam during the Qajar era. Also, the museum of ethnology of Ilam is located in this castle.
  • Falahati Palace, Ayatollah Heydari Street, Ilam (Shadabad). This palace was built in the modern era and now the Ilam Agricultural Jihad office is located in this palace. One of the features of this palace is that no decorations are used in it. The museum of agricultural history is also located in this palace.
  • Ghochali’s epitaph. This stone inscription is located in Arghwan square of this city and dates back to the Qajar period.
  • Takiya Abolfazl (AS) in Ilam city: This Takiya is one of the religious places of Ilam city, which receives many pilgrims every year. On Mondays in Ilam city, women visit this Takiya, and it fulfills the needs of the people on this day. to be

natural attractions

In terms of natural attractions, Ilam has very beautiful and excellent areas, among which the following areas can be mentioned:

  • Chagasabz recreation area. This area is one of the most beautiful areas of Ilam, which is a short distance from the city and has facilities such as a game city, supermarket, gazebo, restrooms, restaurants, etc.
  • Tang Arghavan area. This area has a pristine and very spectacular nature, and the fame of this area is due to the presence of very beautiful purple trees in this area.
  • Takht Khan recreation area. This very beautiful area is located about twenty kilometers from the city and has a beautiful nature with a seasonal river as well as a historical inscription called the Takht Khan inscription.

Studying in Ilam

Health centers

  • Imam Khomeini Hospital
  • Kausar Hospital and Maternity Hospital
  • shahid Mustafa Khomeini Hospital
  • valiasr Hospital
  • Yamaristan Ayatollah Taleghani
  • Imam Reza Hospital
  • Imam Hossein Hospital
  • Hazrat Rasool Akram Hospital

Studying in Ilam

A total of 19 scientific and academic centers are located in Ilam province, including (1 state university, 1 university of medical sciences, Islamic Azad University, Payam Noor University, non-profit institute and agricultural research organization). In this province, 671 professors and faculty members are working and more than 19,000 students are studying.

The number of specialized journals of universities in Ilam province is 2. The researchers of the universities and scientific centers of Ilam province have published a total of 11000 scientific articles, of which 597 articles have been published in journals, 6118 articles have been published in domestic scientific conferences, and 597 articles have been published internationally.Ilam University of Medical Sciences and Ilam University are two important universities in this city.

Studying in Ilam

Educational Centers

  • ilam university
  • Ilam University of Medical Sciences
  • Islamic Azad University, Ilam branch
  • Payam Noor University, center of Ilam
  • Bakhtar Ilam Higher Education Center
  • Ilam Comprehensive Scientific-Applied University
  • Ilam University of Science and Research

Public libraries

  • Public library of the great prophet
  • Parvin Etsami Public Library
  • Imam Jafar Sadiq Public Library


  • Ilam gas refinery
  • Ilam Petrochemical
  • Iran cement factory


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