مشهد، میدان شریعتی، نرسیده به احمد آباد ۱، طبقه بالای بانک دی

Study at Iran University of Art

Study at Iran University of Art


Iran University of Art is the largest higher education center for artistic fields in Tehran. It was formed by the merger of five pre-revolutionary art educational institutions (Farabi University, Decorative Arts College, Dramatic Arts College, Higher Music School, and National Music Academy). Below, we will provide complete and comprehensive information about studying at this university.


Iran University of Art is the largest higher education center for artistic fields in Iran. It was established in 1979 following the merger of five higher education art institutions, including Farabi University, Decorative Arts Academy, Dramatic Arts College, Higher Music School, and National Music Academy. This university was founded in 1918.

The Higher Music School is the oldest academy at Iran University of Art. It became independent from Dar ul-Funun in 1918 as the “Music Class.” Gholamreza Minbashian managed it (with the cooperation of his son Nasr ol-Soltan) under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and named it the Music School.

After the glorious Islamic Revolution, to advance the cultural and artistic goals of the Islamic society and expand various arts, especially Islamic, native, and traditional arts, and to familiarize these forces with the ancient cultures of Iran, Islam, and the world, the establishment of an art higher education center was included in the plans of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology. For this purpose, following the merger of 5 pre-revolution art educational institutions (National University) and with the approval of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the Art University Complex was formed in 1979 and officially resumed its activities in 1983.

Study at Iran University of Art

Tuition fees at Iran University of Art


Faculty of Applied Arts

The Faculty of Applied Arts was established in 1960 by the Ministry of Culture and Arts of the time. The foundation of education in this faculty was based on the principle of addressing artistic education and creation with consideration of national cultural values. Therefore, more emphasis was placed on applied arts such as textile weaving and printing, decorative painting, ceramics (pottery), visual communication, interior architecture, etc. Since 1991, with the renaming of the Art University Complex to “Iran University of Art,” the Faculty of Applied Arts has continued its activities with three bachelor’s degree programs; Industrial Design, Handicrafts, and Music.

Faculty of Visual Arts

The Faculty of Visual Arts was established in 1978 in the Art University Complex, and some departments from the Faculty of Decorative Arts and Farabi University were transferred to this faculty. In 1982, the faculty began offering courses to students transferred from merged institutions who had 25 credits left to complete their studies. Since 1983, the faculty started offering undergraduate programs in Photography, Painting, and Visual Communication.

Faculty of Cinema and Theater

In 1957, the General Directorate of Fine Arts issued the first license to establish the Department of Dramatic Arts. The Academy of Dramatic Arts was established in 1964 with the approval of the Ministry of Culture and Arts. This academy aimed to train individuals skilled in all aspects of theater, including writing, directing, acting, decoration, and stage design. Eventually, the Cinema and Television departments were also introduced, and in 1970, the academy was renamed “The Faculty of Dramatic Arts” and continued its activities.

Faculty of Music

Following the merger of higher education institutions, including the Music High School (1959) and the Music Academy (1971), and the formation of the Art University Complex, the undergraduate program in Music was established in 1989 and placed under the Faculty of Applied Arts. After the approval of the Council for the Expansion of Higher Education in 1994, the Faculty of Music was created as the first music faculty in Iran’s history, offering two undergraduate programs in Music and Military Music, and it was based in the Karaj campus.

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Iran University of Art began its activities in 1999 with the admission of undergraduate students in urban planning and in 2000, Architecture. It occupied a space of 2,600 square meters in the Karaj campus. With the expansion of the faculty, graduate admissions for Architecture began in 2004, followed by admissions for Interior Architecture in 2005.

Faculty of Dramatic Arts

Recognizing the importance of dramatic arts in shaping young minds, the cultural and social foundations of traditions, and the need for rapid progress in theater, cinema, television, and radio, the former Ministry of Culture and Arts established a higher school to train artists and researchers in these fields. The Department of Dramatic Arts was first established in 1957 by the General Directorate of Fine Arts, under the leadership of Dr. Mehdi Forough.

Faculty of Decorative Arts

The foundation for establishing this faculty was laid in 1960 with the creation of the Fine Arts Academy, under the Ministry of Culture and Arts. This academy was created in response to the educational needs of art students and others interested in pursuing higher education in art, and to preserve and promote related arts.

Faculty of Conservation and Restoration

The establishment of a master’s program in the Conservation of Historic Buildings and Cultural Objects at Iran University of Art in 1976 marked a turning point in the history of higher education in Iran in the field of conservation of historic buildings and the restoration of cultural objects. In 1977, an educational agreement was signed between Dr. Jamshid Behnam, then president of Farabi University, and Nosratollah Mojtabai, the managing director of the National Organization for the Protection of Historic Monuments, to provide technical staff and specialists. This was the start of admitting students to the master’s program in Conservation at Farabi University (Iran University of Art).

Faculty of Theoretical Sciences and Advanced Art Studies

The greatness and depth of theoretical art discussions, and their importance in the modern era, along with the increasing need for research and advanced studies on Iranian and world art, the relationship between religion, culture, and art, responding to philosophical challenges in art, and the significant role of Iran University of Art as the largest center of art education in the Middle East, led to the establishment of the Faculty of Theoretical Sciences and Advanced Art Studies in May 2015, with a program that included specific goals, strategies, and methods.

Faculties of Iran University of Art


  • Islamic Art
  • World Music Performance – Guitar
  • Iranian Music Performance
  • Theater – Directing
  • Puppetry
  • Theater – Acting
  • Painting
  • Architecture and Energy
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Architecture
  • Museum Studies
  • Restoration of Cultural and Historical Objects
  • Project and Construction Management
  • Carpet – Restoration and Finishing
  • Composition
  • Dramatic Literature
  • Urban Planning
  • Cinema
  • Cinema – Editing
  • Cinema – Cinematography
    And more…

Welfare Facilities


Welfare Facilities

Priority for dormitory allocation is given to non-Tehran full-time students, followed by part-time students. Campus students who do not have access to dormitories can use private dormitories, which are reasonably priced. Breakfast and dinner are provided in the dormitories, and registration is done through the dining system. Students choose their meal options, and dormitory facilities are adequately available.

At Iran University of Art, academic facilities are provided for students in various fields. These include libraries and computer labs suited to the students’ areas of study. Graduate students in animation at the Cinema and Theater faculty have access to the necessary equipment for their studies. The university’s central library offers a suitable study hall and book lending services. Additionally, students have access to reputable global art digital libraries such as EBSCO. Also, students have access to high-speed internet. Also, there are opportunities for students to exchange projects with prestigious foreign universities. Selection priority for these projects is based on students’ resumes, activities, and English proficiency.


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