Unit 3, No. 15, the beginning of Ahmad Abad Street, Mashhad, Iran

Study at Sahand University of Technology

Study at Sahand University of Technology


Sahand University of Technology is one of the top universities of technology in Iran. We have mentioned information such as history, majors, amenities, and honors in this article to make it easier for people to decide to Study at Sahand University.


Sahand University is mentioned as the first industrial university after the Islamic Revolution, established in 1368 by Dr. Mohammad Ali Keinjad. Current members of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution and Engineer Mirhossein Mousavi, the Prime Minister at the time, with the aim of training specialized and committed human resources needed by the country’s industries as well as It was established to meet the research and development needs of industries.

Sahand University has 3922 students, 155 professors, and 200 faculty members. Based on research, 4314 scientific articles in domestic publications[540 journal articles and 3774 conference papers.] and conferences, 4250 internationally valid articles have been extracted from this center. Sahand University of Technology is the owner and publisher of 1 specialized magazine. 

Ranking of Sahand University

The president of the Sahand University of Technology from the presence of this university in the system Times ranking announced that based on the ranking results of 2023 Rank 1001_1200 among 1662 top universities from 99 countries  And 10th rank among 58 Iranian universities and the first rank among the universities of East Azarbaijan province has been assigned to this university.

Studying at Sahand University


  • Faculty of Chemical Engineering
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Faculty of Material and Metallurgy Engineering
  • Faculty of Petroleum Engineering
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Applications
  • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering
  • Faculty of Medical Engineering
  • Faculty of Polymer Engineering
  • Faculty of Mining Engineering
  • Faculty of Basic Sciences

Research Centers

  • Nano Structure Materials Research Center
  • Reactor and Catalyst Research Center
  • Research Institute of Polymer Materials
  • Device analysis research and service center
  • Center for the Growth of Technology Units
  • Earthquake Research Center
  • Science and Religion Studies and Research Center

Tuition Fees

In Sahand University of Technology, a non-Iranian student must pay $50 to begin the registration process.

Degree LevelField of StudyTuition Fees (Annually in Rial)
Bachelor's DegreeEngineering and Basic SciencesRial 573,600,000
Master's DegreeEngineering and Basic SciencesRial 526,400,000
PhDEngineering and Basic SciencesRial 1,680,000,000

It should be noted that the teaching method in Sahand University of Tabriz is in the form of research education and they have a comprehensive exam.

Fields of Study at Sahand University of Technology

  • Materials Engineering, the Identification and Selection of Engineering Materials
  • Casting Material Engineering
  • Nanotechnology, the Trend of Nanomaterials
  • Metallurgical Engineering and Materials, Welding Orientation
  • Materials Engineering, Corrosion, and Protection of Materials
  • Materials Engineering, Metal Extraction Trend
  • Oil Discovery
  • Tanks
  • Digging
  • Exploitation
  • Energy Systems
  • Train’s Power Systems Machine
  • Mechanical Engineering – Energy Conversion
  • Aerospace Structures
  • Electrical Engineering, Control Orientation
  • Functional Design – Mechanics of Solids
  • Particle Physics
  • Plasma Physics
  • Dense Material
  • Pure Mathematics
  • Process
  • Applied Mathematics (Optimization)
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering – Earthquake
  • Structural Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering Majoring in Telecommunication Systems
  • Mining Engineering, Mineral Processing Trend
  • Mining Engineering, Mineral Extraction Trend
    And more

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courses of Sahand University of Technology

Studying at Sahand University

  • Dr. Ali Akbar Babalu was chosen as the young scientist of the country by the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Selection of national model professor from Sahand University of Technology
  • Selection of university professors as the best provincial researchers
  • Membership of 20 university professors in international and national scientific and research assemblies and circles
  • Being among the top universities of the country in the Consortium for the increase of extraction from oil reservoirs
  • Achieving the top ranking in the national market and obtaining the top ranking in the country in terms of manufacturing laboratory and industrial equipment
  • Achieving the first ranks in the country’s postgraduate and master entrance exams
  • Taking the best designs in the Science to Action Festival
  • Selection of the physical training department of the university as the best department in the last 7 years by the Ministry of Science
  • Election of the Scientific Association of Electrical-Control Engineering in the field of research projects as the chosen position in the movement festival

Welfare and Facilities

Central Library: This library started its main activity at the same time as the establishment of the university in 1368. The main purpose of university libraries is to provide faculty members, students, and researchers with access to organized scientific information for the development of knowledge. The central library of the university was established to meet the educational, research, research, cultural needs of professors, students, and employees, the task of collecting and organizing a collection of books, magazines, articles, research reports, visual and audio materials, information bank, electronic resources and It provides other resources needed by research groups and currently has more than 1600 members.
Dormitory:  Dormitory Affairs Department; Sahand University of Technology, having more than two thousand people in its dormitory capacity, the management of two dormitories of brothers and sisters is carried out under the department of dormitory affairs. The dormitory for students is different according to education level, gender, and city of residence. Services, a feeding automation system, placement system are other facilities that the university provides to its students.

Studying at Sahand University

Geographical Location

Sahand University of Technology is located in Sahand city on Farzangan street, Ghazi Tabatabai street. In terms of geographical location, this place is located near centers such as Melika Complex and Behran Driving School. The closest bus station to this place is Mohibi Dormiterybus station, which makes it easy for public transportation users to access this place.


Address: Tabriz, Sahand New City, Farzangan St., Shahid Qazi Tabatabai Blvd.

Common Questions of Studying at Sahand University

  1. What is the method of payment of tuition fees at Sahand University?
    This university receives tuition in Tomans

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