Unit 3, No. 15, the beginning of Ahmad Abad Street, Mashhad, Iran

Study at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz

Study at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz


The Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz, also known as Jundishapur University, operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and is considered one of the first-level universities in the country. The history of Jundishapur University goes back to the fourth or fifth century AD and during 6 centuries, the name of Jundishapur was synonymous with a scientific center in There have been different fields. In this article, we will discuss the topic of studying at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.


A university named Gandishapur was opened in Ahvaz on Sunday, October 2, 1334. After some time, this name was changed to Jundishapor. The university was built near the Karun River, on flat land, and near the garden of tropical plants. Due to the design of several buildings and faculties by architects such as Kamran Diba and Andre Godar, the building of this university has a unique architecture.

The Faculty of Agriculture is the first faculty established in the university and the fields of agriculture, literature, mathematics, and medicine are among the first fields offered at Jundishapor University. On Sunday, June 25, 1337, the first group of 38 graduates of Jundishapor University’s Faculty of Agriculture received their certificates during a ceremony.

Sometime later, the medical school was transferred to an independent university under the name “Jandishapur University of Medical Sciences of Ahvaz”. After the revolution and during the sacred defense period, this university was considered one of the main bases of fighters and was the main headquarters of Shahid Dr. Chamran. After the martyrdom of this great general and to honor him, Jundishapor University changed its name to Shahid Chamran of Ahvaz.

Currently, 15,292 students and 1,568 professors are working in this center. Based on the analysis, this center has published 21,042 scientific articles in domestic journals and conferences. Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is the owner and publisher of 23 specialized journals. So far, 67 conferences have been organized by the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. In addition, so far 6011 international articles have been extracted from this center.

University Rank

In the latest scientific and research evaluation of universities and research centers conducted by the Islamic World Provincial Database (ISC) in 1399-1400, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz was ranked 15th among the comprehensive universities of the country. It has won 1500 among the universities of the world.


Studying at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz

Faculties and Affiliated Centers

  • College of Science
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Literature and Humanities Faculty
  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Faculty of Educational and Sports Sciences
  • Faculty of Education and Psychology
  • Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Statistics
  • Faculty of Water and Environment
  • Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies
  • Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
  • Shushtar Art Faculty
  • The Faculty of Earth Sciences
  • Faculty of Archeology of Susa

Research Institutes

  • Laser and Plasma Research Center
  • Drilling Research Center
  • Gas supply network research center
  • It has a geological and biological science research center
  • Azfa Center
  • Computer awareness, support, and assistance center
  • Fast processing center
  • Scientific pole of network improvement and maintenance

Studying at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz


  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Genetics
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • computer engineering group
  • Department of Metallurgical Engineering
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • architecture Group
  • Department of Civil Engineering
  • Persian literature group
  • Department of English Language and Literature
  • Department of French Language and Literature
  • History Group
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Agricultural Machinery Group
  • Gardening Group
  • Department of Herbal Medicine
  • Department of Soil Science
  • Department of Basic Sciences
  • Department of Pathobiology
  • Food hygiene Group
  • Animal Nutrition and Breeding Group
  • Department of Clinical Sciences
  • Department of Educational Sciences
  • Department of Psychology
  • Library and information department
  • Department of Mathematical Sciences
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Statistics Group
  • Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
  • Group of Water Structures
  • Irrigation and Drainage Group
  • Department of Civil Engineering – Environment
  • Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences
  • Department of Fiqh and Islamic Law
  • Arabic Language and Literature Group
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Business Management
  • Accounting Group
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • Law Group
  • Department of Political Science
  • Painting Group
  • Graphic Group
  • Department of Geology
  • Department of Geography and Urban Planning

Shahid Chamran University Tuition Fees

educational groupGradeAnnual tuition fee (Rials)
humanMasters 327,600,000
EngineeringMasters 393,300,000
ScienceMasters 393,300,000
agricultureMasters 393,300,000
MathematicsMasters 327,600,000
veterinary medicineprofessional PhD300,868,750
veterinary medicinePhD541,563,750
veterinary medicineprofessional PhD661,911,250

Welfare Amenities

It has a central library with more than 20,000 specialized and general book titles in different fields for students and professors.

For the well-being of students, this university has provided facilities such as student dormitories, sports centers, student welfare funds, dining halls, etc.

The faculties of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz each have specialized and well-equipped facilities, and in each of the faculties, there is the possibility of holding specialized training workshops.

University Dormitories

Ahvaz University has two departments: Jundishapur University, which is for students of medical and paramedical sciences, and one is Chamran University, which is for students of other fields. For Chamran students, both girls and boys each have a large dormitory, which of course is only given to full-time students.

Regarding the location, the dormitories are outside the university, although they are very close to the university, and with the university services, these services are located next to the faculties, and you can reach the dormitory very easily. Although most of the buildings are old, they are completely clean and cleanliness is always observed. Chamran University dormitory facilities are almost complete. It has a sports hall, a sports field, a mini market, and a laundry room. The dormitories of this university include the Alam Al-Hadi dormitory, Shahada dormitory, and boys’ postgraduate dormitory.

Geographical Location

The Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is located in the Koi Ostadan neighborhood of Ahvaz and on West Coast Boulevard of the central organization of Shahid Chamran University. In terms of geographical location, this place is located near centers such as the central organization of Shahid Chamran University, Bastani Majid, Soma fast food restaurant, Jundi Shapur University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, and Golestan Hospital. The nearest metro station to this place is the University metro station, which makes it easy for public transport users to reach this place.

Studying at Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz

Contact With University

Address: Ahvaz, Golestan Boulevard, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

University website:

Frequently asked questions about studying at Shahid Chamran University

What facilities does the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz have?

This university has amenities such as dormitories, dining halls, libraries, etc., which are fully presented in the text of the article.

What are the advantages of Shahid Chamran University?

One of the most important advantages of studying at this university is the university’s top ranks and level one, which is fully described in the text of the article.

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