Unit 3, No. 15, the beginning of Ahmad Abad Street, Mashhad, Iran

Study at Urmia University

Study at Urmia University


Urmia University is one of the most prestigious public universities under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in West Azarbaijan province and the west of the city of Urmia It was established in 1344. Urmia is located in the west of Lake Urmia, at the foot of Mount Sir, and in the middle of the Urmia plain. The weather in Urmia is relatively hot in summer and cold in winter. Stay with us to gain knowledge about studying at Urmia University


Urmia University) with 11 faculties, 1 higher education center, 6 research institutes, 1 study, research and service center, university campus, language teaching center, semi-attendance center, growth center, and natural history museum with an area of ​​505 hectares, it is the largest and oldest university in the West. It is one of the most prestigious comprehensive state universities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran, which is located in the city of Urmia, in the province of West Azerbaijan.

Urmia University is one of the best comprehensive universities in Iran in the fields of engineering sciences, basic sciences, and humanities. Currently, 14,515 students and 485 professors are working in this center. Based on the analysis of this center, 18,260 scientific articles have been published so far and have been published in internal conferences. Urmia University is the owner and publisher of 6 specialized journals and so far 11 conferences have been organized by Urmia University. In addition, 8905 internationally valid articles have been extracted from this center. In 1402, Urmia University researchers published most of their articles with the keywords “physical activity” and “students”.

Studying at Urmia University

University Rank

In the ranking of Iranian universities based on scientific efficiency, Urmia University is one of the “top seven research-oriented universities in Iran, and in the ranking report of government universities of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, this university has been selected as “quality level A”. Every year, by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology, the universities of Iran are classified into four quality levels (A, B, C, D), and this university was able to reach the position of the first-tier universities of Iran (level A) with the significant progress it has achieved in recent years. ) to be promoted.

According to the Shanghai International Ranking, this university was ranked 301-400 in the field of “Mechanical Engineering and ranked 300-201 in the field of “Food Science and Industry”.

According to the Scimago Institutions Rankings in 2022, Urmia University was able to move up 77 places among the world’s top universities, from 755th to 678th in the world, and was placed in the 9th place among Iran’s comprehensive universities.

In the Times (THE) ranking of Urmia University, it was ranked 1000-1200 in the world. In the Leiden University Ranking System (CWTS), this university was also able to rank 800 in the world in terms of scientific authority and was awarded the scientific position of Iran’s first-class national universities (level A).

Tuition Fees at Urmia University

DegreesHumanities-mathematical sciencesScienceAgriculture-technical and engineering
Bacholar 500$550$550$
Masters 600$650$700$


Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

This faculty was established in 1354. The faculty of veterinary medicine of Urmia National University is the third oldest faculty of veterinary medicine in the country after the faculties of Tehran University and Shiraz University. The educational groups of this faculty are:

  • Basic Science
  • Pathobiology
  • Food Hygiene and Quality Control
  • Surgery and Diagnostic Imaging
  • Internal Diseases and Clinical Pathology
  • Midwifery and Poultry
  • Microbiology

Among the famous and outstanding graduates of this faculty, we can mention Professor Mohammad Baqer Ebrahimi.

Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences

This faculty, with the aim of providing specialized human resources, was established as the fourth faculty of the university, with the establishment of the Department of Persian Language and Literature, in 1367.

The first group of accepted students included a Persian literature teacher at the undergraduate level in 1367 and a physical education teacher in 1368. The educational groups in this faculty are as follows:

  • Educational Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • Islamic Jurisprudence
  • Islamic teachings
  • Persian Language and Literature
  • English Literature
  • English Language Translation
  • Law
  • Sociology
  • Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law
  • Sports Science
  • psychology
  • Istanbul Turkish Language and Literature

Faculty of Science

The faculty of science started in 1358 by accepting students in two fields plant sciences and physics and later it was expanded to more fields of science. The educational groups of the Faculty of Science are as follows:

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Geology
  • Nanotechnology

Faculty of Petrochemical Engineering

With the support of the board and also the establishment of various petrochemical units in West Azarbaijan province and related industries, the establishment of this faculty was approved by the board of trustees. The faculty, in the vision, will have chemical engineering, polymer engineering, energy engineering, and petroleum engineering departments, and the effort is to become a graduate education pole by attracting academic staff and becoming a very strong faculty.

The mentioned fields, the faculty, and the recruitment of the academic staff of these groups were established with the efforts of Dr. Jamshid Bagherzadeh, one of the professors of the computer department at the time.

Faculty of Technology and Engineering

The engineering faculty of this university was established in 1369 with the efforts of technical professors of Urmia, including Dr. Mehdi Thabit. The original location of this college was 1.5 km from Saroo Road, which was moved to the current location of this college in the Nazlo campus in the 1380s. Technical Faculty of Urmia University currently has the following subgroups:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Polymer Engineering

Electrical and Computer Faculty

The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering is currently operating at the undergraduate level in the fields of electrical engineering with electronics, power, telecommunications, and computer engineering majors in software.

In the master’s and doctoral degrees of electrical engineering, in the fields of integrated circuits, micromachines, field and system telecommunications, power systems and power electronics, and the computer engineering field in the field of computer networks, he cultivates distinguished and committed experts and researchers in the aforementioned fields.

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering (in three levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate)
  • Engineering of Micro and Nanoelectromechanical Systems (in master’s degree and doctorate)
  • Power Electrical Engineering (in three levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate)
  • Telecommunication Electrical Engineering (in three levels: bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate)
  • Computer Engineering – Software Orientation at Undergraduate and Graduate Level
  • Computer Engineering – Computer Networks Orientation in Master’s Degree and Doctorate

Faculty of Agriculture

This faculty is one of the oldest faculties of this university. Educational groups based in this faculty:

  • Water Engineering
  • Plant Cultivation and Breeding
  • Animal Science
  • Plant Cultivation and Breeding
  • Plant
  • Food Science and Industry
  • Soil Science
  • Gardening
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Breeding and Biotechnology

Faculty of Sports Sciences

The Faculty of Sports Sciences was established in 2009. One of the most reliable and powerful training groups is sports physiology and corrective movements. The fields offered include:

  • Pathology and corrective movements: Senior
  • Movement behavior: Masters and Ph.D
  • Sport physiology: Bachelor’s degree, master’s degree with clinical orientation, and doctorate with cardiovascular and respiratory orientation
  • Sports Management: Masters and Ph.D

Faculty of Arts

  • Architecture
  • Urban Engineering
  • Painting
  • Restoration and Restoration of Historical Buildings

Faculty of Natural Resources

  • Pasture and Watershed
  • Forestry
  • Fisheries

Faculty of Economics and Management

The establishment of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Urmia University in 2015 was approved by the board of trustees of this university to help the socio-economic development of West Azerbaijan province. It should be mentioned that the Department of Economics, as the main core and mother of this faculty, started operating in 1370 with the efforts of Dr. Masoud Mansouri by accepting 40 students in the undergraduate course of Economic Sciences – Business Economics. Currently, this faculty accepts students in the following fields:

  • Economic sciences (in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees)
  • Accounting (undergraduate and graduate)
  • Management (undergraduate and graduate)

Faculty of Chemistry

First, it was established as the chemistry department in 1355 with two faculty members and started its work by teaching chemistry courses in other fields. With the approval of the Ministry of Science, from Mehr 1374, a student was accepted for the master’s degree in pure chemistry. From Mehr 1376, students were accepted in the master’s degree in organic chemistry, followed by analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, mineral chemistry, and applied chemistry, and succeeded in obtaining the agreement of the ministry. and currently has a graduate student in five master’s courses. In 2016, the Chemistry Department became the Faculty of Chemistry.

  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry


Studying at Urmia University

Shahid Bakri Miandoab Higher Education Center

Shahid Bakri Miandoab Higher Education Center is affiliated to Urmia University and is the only fully governmental higher education center affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, in the south of West Azerbaijan province. This center is one of the unique higher education centers in the country in terms of geographical location and physical space, and in an area of ​​about 80 hectares, it has more than 18,000 square meters of educational, research, cultural, and student space with a capacity of more than 2,500 students.

Research Institutes

  • Urmia Lake Studies Research Institute
  • Artemia and Aquaculture Research Institute
  • Microelectronics Research Institute
  • Biotechnology Research Institute
  • Nanotechnology Research Institute
  • Research Institute of Social Studies


According to the opinions of graduate students and students studying at Urmia University, from the important facilities of this university, we can mention accommodation, welfare facilities, and separate study halls for male and female students. In the following, we present a list of sports facilities of Urmia University.

  • Swimming pool
  • Football field
  • Gym
  • Beach soccer field
  • Ping pong hall
  • Gud Zorkhaneh ancient sports and…


This university has provided a library for undergraduate to doctoral students who can reserve the specialized and general textbooks they need online and borrow them in person.

The library of Urmia University consists of two separate reading rooms for male and female students so that students can read the required specialized and general books.

Studying at Urmia University


Urmia University has 13 government dormitories, self-governing and rented dormitories. According to the statutes determined and regulated for the university dormitories, undergraduate students with a maximum of 4 academic years, master’s and doctoral students with a continuous 6 academic years, and non-scholarship specialized doctoral students with a maximum of 4 academic years can live in the dormitory.

Geographical Location

Urmia University is located in Keshavarz Boulevard in Urmia city. In terms of geographical location, this place is located near centers such as the Faculty of Agriculture of Urmia, the Faculty of Basic Sciences of Urmia University, the Nazlu campus, and West Azerbaijan Science and Technology Park.


West Azarbaijan Province – Urmia, km 11, Cypress Road – Urmia University


Studying in Iran

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