Hakim Sabzevari University With the previous name Sabzevar University is a public university in the city of Sabzevar. Hakim Sabzevari University is located on a land of 210 hectares, 10 kilometers north of the city. This university is the second largest public university covered by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology after Ferdowsi University of Mashhad It is located in Khorasan Razavi province and is one of the 22 designated universities in the country. Studying at Hakim Sabzevari University attracts the attention of all those interested in education every year.
Hakim Sabzevari University is a public university in Sabzevar city, Razavi Khorasan province, and was established in 1366. Currently, 9192 students and 674 professors are working in this center.
Based on the analyses carried out, this center has published 5755 scientific articles in domestic journals and conferences. Hakim Sabzevari University is the owner and publisher of 5 specialized journals, and 13 conferences have been organized by Hakim Sabzevari University. In addition, so far in 2019 international articles have been extracted from this center. You can see more detailed information and statistics from Hakim Sabzevari University below. In 1402, researchers of Hakim Sabzevari University published most of their articles with the keywords “social compatibility” and “HEC”.
One of the most important priorities at Hakim Sabzevari University is the expansion of research. In this regard, 42 books have been authored, 18 books have been translated, 481 scientific articles have been presented at national and international conferences, and 336 articles have been published by members. The academic board has been published in domestic and foreign journals.
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University Rank
For the fourth consecutive year, Hakim Sabzevari University has been ranked among the top universities in the world (1001-2001) and ahead of some top universities in the country. The Times ranking is one of the most famous international ranking systems. The universities were published for the first time in 2004 in collaboration with Times and QS under the title “Times-QS” ranking and from 2010 onwards in collaboration with Thomson Reuters Institute.
According to the latest data from the international university-guru website, which examines the position of the world’s universities in the ranking systems, Hakim Sabzevari University has been able to get 11th place among the comprehensive universities of the Ministry of Science in the Times ranking system. According to this website, Hakim Sabzevari University is ranked 18th among industrial and comprehensive universities of the Ministry of Science and 26th among Iranian universities (Ministry of Science and Ministry of Health) in the Times ranking.
Tuition Fees for Studying at Hakim Sabzevari University
Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences
The Faculty of Literature and Humanities started its teaching and research activity in 1366 as the first faculty established at Hakim Sabzevari University. Currently, 5 groups of Persian language and literature, English language and literature, French language and literature, educational sciences, and political sciences are responsible for the education and research of nearly 1,300 students at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels.
Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies
The Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies was established in 2009 and is currently operating with five undergraduate majors, seven master’s majors, and one doctoral major.
Faculty of Physical Education
The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences started its educational activity with two faculty members in 2006 under the cover of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences with the Physical Education Department in February 2016. 30 people started their studies in this educational group.
By recruiting two educational experts and faculty members, the equipment and educational facilities necessary for this field such as multi-purpose sports halls, wrestling and table tennis, swimming pool, grass field, and gymnasium were quickly provided.
With the increase in the number of faculty members and the necessary facilities, a master’s degree in general orientation was launched in 2004. Also, in 2006, the specialization of sports physiology at the master’s level, in 2010, the specialization of exercise physiology at the doctoral level, and in 2012, the orientation of movement behavior and sports management at the master’s level was launched.
The Faculty of Physical Education was established in September 2007 with the approval of the University Council. In addition to training specialists (bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral), this faculty offers more than 80 general physical education classes 1 and 2 for 1,600 students of other fields every semester.
Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences
In 2009, this faculty started working as an independent faculty with 3 educational groups natural geography, human geography, and environment, with the separation of the teaching groups of geography from the faculty of literature and humanities and the teaching group of environment from the faculty of basic sciences. Currently, with 23 faculty members, it has more than 825 students in day and night courses in associate, bachelor, part-time bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees.
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Faculty of Mathematics was one of the first educational groups that started working since the establishment of the university, and now it has 4 undergraduate courses, 15 graduate courses, and 2 doctoral courses (algebra and analysis). Bachelor’s and Master’s courses in computer science are held in this faculty.
Faculty of Basic Sciences
The Faculty of Basic Sciences started its scientific, educational, and research activities independently in 1373. Currently, the three groups of biology, chemistry, and physics under this faculty are responsible for the education and research affairs of nearly 1,592 students in bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
Faculty of Technology and Engineering
The faculty of Engineering and Technology started its teaching and research activities in 1376 along with the faculties of literature humanities and basic sciences. Currently, 10 technical and engineering educational groups are working in 4 separate faculties. Of these, three groups of civil engineering, mechanical engineering, and polymer materials engineering under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology are responsible for the education and research of nearly 960 students at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels.
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The history of the establishment of this faculty goes back to 1376 and the admission of students in the field of electricity, associate degree in the technical and engineering faculty. By completing the faculty members and equipping the laboratories and setting up the fields of electrical-electronic engineering, mechatronic engineering, and computer engineering, the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering became independent in 2008. Currently, this faculty has about 922 students in various fields of electrical engineering, medical engineering, and mechatronics.
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning
The Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning started its educational and research activity in 2013. Currently, the faculty operates with 2 educational groups of architectural engineering and restoration of historical buildings. It should be mentioned that the start of the architecture department and the admission of students in this field dates back to 1376.
This faculty is the first faculty of architecture and urban planning in the east of the country and currently has more than 395 undergraduate and graduate students with 11 faculty members.
Faculty of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering
The Faculty of Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering was put into operation in March 2007 with the presence of the Minister of Petroleum at the time, with 3,000 square meters of infrastructure, which includes 12 classrooms, 8 laboratories, and an amphitheater with a capacity of 206 people. This faculty started its activity in October 2008 by accepting students in the fields of petroleum engineering (exploitation orientation) and chemical engineering at the undergraduate level and currently has 508 students and 10 faculty members.
It has been established since the establishment of the university and has gradually increased its resources in recent years due to the slight increase in educational fields at various levels, especially the levels of supplementary education, in such a way that it currently has more than 82 thousand book volumes, including in Farsi. and Arabic, 16,000 titles of Latin books, and 320 titles of Latin and Farsi publications providing remarkable services to students, faculty members, and university employees.
Welfare and Student Facilities
Indoor swimming pool, gym, sports field with artificial grass, multipurpose sports hall, 2 dormitory complexes and 8 separate dormitory rooms with a capacity of 3,500 students, medical and counseling center, student culture house, large dining hall with a capacity of 2,000 people and a 360 meeting hall. person
The cultural activities of existing student organizations have produced 460 cultural and scientific student programs and 2,050 students are members of cultural centers, scientific, sports, and student associations that operate in 74 cultural centers, scientific, sports, and student associations.
At present, 27 student publications are published in the university. It is worth mentioning that Hakim Sabzevari University in the fields of scientific associations and student organizations, due to the suitable environment that the university officials have considered for students in these fields, is always at the level The country, especially in recent years, has won the top ranks of the country.
This university has 11 dormitories for non-native students, of which 3 are for men and 8 are for women.
Geographical Location
Hakim Sabzevari University is located in Shahrak Tawheed Khorasan Razavi, Sabzevar city. This complex is one of the three universities and higher education institutes in the Shahrak Tawheed neighborhood of Razavi Khorasan, Sabzevar city, and is located near and in terms of geographical location.
Address: Razavi Khorasan province, Sabzevar City, Nuclear Martyrs Boulevard
Website: https://www.hsu.ac.ir