مشهد، میدان شریعتی، نرسیده به احمد آباد ۱، طبقه بالای بانک دی

The best libraries in Iran

The best libraries in Iran


Iran has a history full of science, knowledge, and culture. The best libraries in Iran contain unattainable treasures in other countries. Our country, having these unlimited resources, will bring you to a country to reach your goal as soon as possible and with more quality. It has created the ground for everyone’s education.

We are trying to make it easier for you to choose among the cities and universities to study in Iran. In the following, we are with you on the subject of libraries and reliable sources of books in Iran. If you are interested in studying in Iran or doing research in this country, stay with us until the end of the article on the best libraries in Iran.

Iran’s Top Libraries

1- National Library

2- Jundi Shapour Library, Iran Mall Collection

3- Central Library of Sharif University of Technology

4- Tehran University Central Library

5- Tehran public libraries network

6- Tebian library

7- Noor digital library

8- Hakim Sabzevari University Central Library

9- The Central Library of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

10- Islamic Azad University Central Library

1National Library

The National Library of Iran officially started its activities in 1316. In 1381, with the approval of the Supreme Administrative Council, the National Library and the National Documents Organization were combined and merged, and now these organizations are working separately and independently. The National Library is located on Shahid Haqqani Highway and the National Archives Building is located on Mirdamad Street in Tehran. The Membership Office and National Documents Organization of Iran are responsible for verifying and confirming your conditions, dear clients, and membership cards have different levels for clients to access important and valuable books.

The National Library of Iran is one of the top ten libraries in the country. It has an area of ​​9,700 square meters and is built on 8 floors, and most of the national books and documents in the fields of literature, philosophy and mysticism, jurisprudence and principles, medicine and astronomy, history and a collection of the first translations of foreign books into Persian language includes

2Jundi Shapur Library, Iran Mall Collection

It is safe to say that the Jundi Shapour Library in the Iran collection of Tehran is the most stylish and luxurious among the best libraries in Iran, this library has a special beauty with its classical architecture inspired by old European libraries and it fascinates every viewer as far as the number of visitors who come to this library to take selfies and have fun. The reader is more. Jundi Shapur Library with an area of ​​3,300 square meters is the second best library in every aspect after the National Library of Iran.

3- Central Library of Sharif University of Technology

The library of Sharif University of Technology started its activity in the field of science and engineering in 1344. As the third best library in the country, this library is located in Dr. Mojtahedi’s building with an area of ​​6 thousand square meters on 6 floors. The central library of Sharif University has different sections including Management, financial affairs, organization of resources, information technology and scientific information consulting, informing and providing documents, loans, theses, publications, and orders.

4- Tehran University Central Library

The Central Library of Tehran University is the largest and best library of the country in the academic field of Iran and is one of the top ten libraries of the country. This library includes a treasure of books in various fields of science, technology, and literature. The main part of the Central Library of Tehran University was formed in 1328 by the collection of books donated by Seyyed Mohammad Meshkoh, including 1329 manuscript volumes, a professor of Tehran University.

The central library of Tehran University with an area of ​​more than 22 thousand square meters has 9 floors, two floors are underground, the ground floor, the first floor, and 5 floors are book, press, and document storage. this library has more than 50,000 members and responds daily to more than 4,500 visitors, from students of the university and other universities to higher education institutions and domestic and foreign researchers.

5Tehran Public Libraries Network

As one of the top ten libraries in the country, the cultural and artistic organization of the municipality started to establish public libraries and reading houses in 1357 to develop culture and art and promote the culture of urbanization in Iranian society. Along with the establishment of libraries and their equipping, librarians were recruited so that this artistic and artistic project would be fruitful. This network has 82 libraries and 229 experts and is considered one of the most standard cultural centers.

6- Tebian Library

Tebian Library is the best electronic library in the country and has international standards, It was established in 1382 after conducting the necessary studies and research about electronic libraries by experts and elites of the country as a top library of the country. The digital library has the indexing of international standards subject sources and Persian thesauruses of Asfa and Islamic sciences in 3 languages ​​English, Persian, and Arabic for classification.

In the Tebian digital library, various services are provided, which include asking the librarian, sending resources by users, browsing resources alphabetically, sharing resources, criticizing and checking by users, taking notes, and taking notes, personal library. The address of Tebyan library is library.tebyan.net.

7Noor Digital Library

Noor Digital Library started its activity in the field of Islamic and human sciences in 2015. As one of the top ten libraries in the country, this library has more than 8 thousand titles of specialized books and more than 16 thousand book covers in the field of Islamic sciences and in subjects such as they have presented the sciences of the Quran and interpretation, hadith, supplications and pilgrimage, communication approach, theology and philosophy, geography, history and tradition, jurisprudence, principles, ethics and mysticism, literature and logic, and Islamic religions.

8Hakim Sabzevari University Central Library

The central library of Hakim Sabzevari University was established in 1366 in the old building of Tarbiat Moalem with a collection of 2 thousand books. During the coming years and the launch of new courses in this university, the library continued to grow and grew from a small library to a large library and the best library in the country with more than 80,000 volumes of books and other resources, which are supported by the Simorgh software. was organized With the establishment of the new building of this complex, which has an infrastructure of 3,000 square meters, it can provide more services to the clients.

9The Central Library of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

The Central Library of Humanities and Cultural Studies Research Institute is one of the top ten libraries in Iran in the field of humanities. This library was established in 1356 in the Iranian Center for the Study of Cultures. The central library was founded in 1991 by merging the libraries of several organizations and research institutes, such as the Academy of Literature and Art, the Research Institute of Communication Sciences and Development of Iran, the Iranian Culture Foundation, the Shahnameh Ferdowsi Foundation, the Iranian Center for the Study of Cultures.

The books of this collection are in the fields of Persian literature, linguistics, philosophy of religion, ancient culture and languages, history of Iran and history of other countries, and social and economic sciences. . . Is.

The Last Word

These libraries are among the most important criteria for researchers and students. Access to huge sources of scientific treasures is possible through these libraries. Every year, with the research done, this scientific load is added.

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